Folder for 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles from 1997 to date
Album have cells for this coins: 1 RUBLE: 1997 MMD, 1997 SPMD, 1998 MMD, 1998 SPMD, 1999 MMD, 1999 SPMD, 2005 MMD, 2005 SPMD, 2006 MMD, 2006 SPMD, 2007 MMD, 2007MMD, 2008 SPMD, 2009 MMD non-magnetic, 2009 MMD magnetic, 2009 SPMD non-magnetic, 2009 SPMD magnetic, 2010 MMD, 2010 SPMD, 2011 MMD, 2012 MMD, 2013 MMD, 2013 SPMD, 2014 MMD, 2015 MMD, 2016 MMD, 2017 MMD, and 14 free cells 2 RUBLES: 1997 MMD, 1997 SPMD, 1998 MMD, 1998 SPMD, 1999 MMD, 1999 SPMD, 2006 MMD, 2006 SPMD, 2007 MMD, 2007 SPMD, 2008 MMD, 2008 SPMD, 2009 MMD non-magnetic, 2009 MMD magnetic, 2009 SPMD non-magnetic, 2009 SPMD 2010 MMD, 2012 MMD, 2013 MMD, 2013 SPMD, 2014 MMD, 2015 MMD, 2016 MMD, 2017 MMD, and 16 more free cells 5 RUBLES: 1997 MMD, 1997 SPMD, 1998 MMD, 1998 SPMD, 2008 MMD, 2008 SPMD, 2009 MMD non-magnetic, 2009 MMD magnetic, 2009 SPMD non-essential, 2009 SPMM Magnon, 2010 MMD, 2010 SPMD, 2011 MMD, 2012 MMD, 2013 MMD, 2013 SPMD, 2014 MMD, 2015 MMD, 2016 MMD, 2017 MMD, and 15 more free cells 10 RUBLES: 2009 MMD, 2010 MMD, 2010 SPMD, 2011 MMD, 2012 MMD, 2013 MMD, 2015 MMD, 2016 MMD, 2017 MMD, and 15 more free cells Coins not included in the album, due to their exceptional rarity: 1 ruble 2001 MMD, 1 ruble 2003 MMD, 1 ruble 2003 SPMD, 1 ruble 2012 SPMD 2 rubles 2001 MMD, 2 rubles 2003 MMD, 2 rubles 2003 SPMD, 2 rubles 2011 SPMD, 2 rubles 2012 SPMD 5 rubles 1999 SPMD, 5 rubles 2003 MMD, 5 rubles 2003 SPMD, 5 rubles 2006 SPMD, 5 rubles 2011 SPMD, 5 rubles 2012 SPMD 10 rubles 2011 SPMD, 10 rubles 2012 SPMD 1 ruble 2002 MMD, 1 ruble 2002 SPMD, 2 rubles 2002 MMD, 2 rubles 2002 SPMD, 5 rubles 2002 MMD, 5 rubles 2002 SPMD
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